2008 Awardee: Bede Williams

I write in appreciation of the award that you recently made available to me for my Masters in Conducting at RSAMD…. Your support comes at what I feel is a critical time.
New Zealand-born Bede Williams came to Scotland in 2003 as an Associated Board International Scholar to study at the RSAMD. He came as a trumpeter and graduated with a first-class honours degree. While an undergraduate he won the prestigious Philip Jones Memorial Prize, competing against wind players much older than himself, and won the coveted RSAMD Governor’s recital prize.
Bede impressed from the start as a musician of prodigious talent and individuality. In addition to being an exceptional trumpeter, he demonstrated a flair for electro acoustic performance and composition and worked with numerous professional orchestras. He is a founding member of the Alba Brass Quartet.
Bede continued his studies at RSAMD in conducting, again demonstrating prodigious potential and talent as a conductor both on a technical and musical level. He has already conducted the Hebrides ensemble and the RSNO. His tutors confidently expect him to go on to a highly successful career combining his talents as a conductor, performer and composer.
How the Award Helped
The Dewar Arts Award will enable Bede to join the Master of Conducting course at RSAMD.
Since the Award
After delaying entry for a year onto the masters course in order to participate in the RSAMD Emergent Leaders programme, Bede graduated the following year with a Master of Music (Distinction). In 2010-11 he is conductor of the Lomond and Clyde Community Orchestra, the Penland Singers and the Bo’ness and Carriden Brass Band. He teaches trumpet at St Mary’s Music School, Edinburgh and continues to play trumpet for the Alba Brass Quintet.

I write in appreciation of the award that you recently made available to me for my Masters in Conducting at RSAMD…. Your support comes at what I feel is a critical time.