2006 Awardee: Elysia Leech

I am so lucky to have the internal instrument I have and thank God every day for it!


When she was at school, Elysia was only ever aware of pop music until one day she heard someone sing opera. She was inspired, and at the age of 16 decided to take up classical singing. Since then, her passion for opera and for becoming a major operatic performer has not wavered.

Born and brought up in Scotland, Elysia has been studying singing at Glasgow’s RSAMD.  After graduation, she intends to proceed to the postgraduate course in performance.

Her tutor considers her to be a singer of major potential who combines a mezzo-soprano voice of rare quality with an innate musicality and sense of drama.

Elysia’s ambition is to become a world class singer and perform in all the major opera houses around the world. Given the right opportunities and vocal education, all the indications are that this is a realistic ambition well within her capabilities and talent.

How the Award Helped

The Dewar Arts Award will help finance Elysia as she continues to study opera performance at the highest level at RSAMD.

Since the Award

Unexpectedly during the course, Elysia’s voice type changed from low mezzo to high mezzo/soprano. She studied with renowned opera singer, Jane Irwin.  In 2008 Elysia won the RSAMD’s prestigious Governors’ prize and throughout August 2009, she was guest soloist for the Edinburgh Military Tattoo. Elysia continues her studies as she gets to grips with new repertoire to suit her new voice type.

I am so lucky to have the internal instrument I have and thank God every day for it!