2008 Awardee: James Harrison

This will help me [towards] working in the Scottish film industry, by giving me training in areas that I would be unable to obtain in Scotland


James has always wanted to work in films, behind the camera as a director of photography.

Born in England, James moved to Glasgow with his family as a young boy aged eight. He was one of the first students on the new degree course at the RSAMD in digital film and TV production, from where he graduated with a first.

While he was a student, he also worked in the department looking after the digital film and audio equipment. This additional responsibility brought him into contact with a wide range of people and organisations in the industry.

James’ next step after RSAMD is to attend a number of short training programmes at the National Film and TV School in Beaconsfield which are designed to mould high quality entrants into the film and television industries. They will provide him with the essential practical skills he needs in order to break into this highly-competitive industry.

How the Award Helped

The Dewar Arts Award funds James to attend a number of short programmes run by the NFTS, Beaconsfield.

This will help me [towards] working in the Scottish film industry, by giving me training in areas that I would be unable to obtain in Scotland