2010 Awardee: Kathryn Elkin
I am absolutely delighted that you have considered my application to be worthy of support.
From Belfast, Kathryn has spent nine years in Scotland, first as a visual art student at the Glasgow School of Art and later working and taking an active part in Glasgow’s vibrant cultural scene in both visual arts and music.
In 2008 she curated the successful exhibition ‘Moot Points’ in the Transmission Gallery which is described as a “watershed moment in re-evaluating the activities of the organisation after its twenty-year history”. Kathryn went on to curate an exciting series of talks and presentations by artists at the Centre for Contemporary Arts, Glasgow. She has shown her own work in Transmission, performed readings at Cove Park and CCA Glasgow and been published in the journal 2HB, Gnomerro (ed. Sarah Tripp) and, most recently, Options With Nostrils.
At the Glasgow International 2010, Kathryn was one of four artists who exhibited at ‘Sym-po-zeum’ in the Mitchell Library as part of “Open Glasgow”. She has been accepted onto the Goldsmith’s College MFA course in Art Writing, which ideally suits the development of her own work as a text-based visual artist.
How the Award Helped
The Dewar Arts Award will enable Kathryn to pursue an MFA on a part-time basis at Goldsmiths.
After a successful first year at Goldsmiths, Kathryn’s award was extended for a second year to enable her to complete an MFA part-time.
I am absolutely delighted that you have considered my application to be worthy of support.