2005 Awardee: Susan McCathie
I am so overwhelmed by your support and cannot thank you enough. You have given me the opportunity to move one step closer to my dream
Susan McCathie gained a first-class honours degree in music teaching at the University of Aberdeen. Her singing tutor was struck by the potential of her singing, both by her technical ability and her artistic response to the music she was performing. She received maximum marks at her end of year assessments.
In gaining a place on the prestigious Royal Academy of Music’s one-year postgraduate Musical Theatre course, Susan beat off some serious competition. Over 1,500 people applied for the 30 places given.
How the Award Helped
The Dewar Arts Award funded Susan on the one-year postgraduate Musical Theatre course at the Royal Academy of Music, London.
Since the Award
Susan graduated with a Postgraduate Diploma in Performance, gaining a distinction in all but one subject. She continues to write songs, and to sing, act and teach singing.
I am so overwhelmed by your support and cannot thank you enough. You have given me the opportunity to move one step closer to my dream