2006 Awardee: Stephanie Tinney

I am grateful to the Dewar Arts Awards for granting me this wonderful opportunity to progress in my clarsach playing.
Even at the age of 13, Stephanie was considered to be an outstanding clàrsach player and a “perfect example of the revitalisation of our traditional music making within the younger generation”, according to her clarsach teacher.
Stephanie, whose four siblings all have musical talent and interests, has played clàrsach since Primary 4 and quickly progressed to play to a standard well beyond her years.
Stephanie was born on Skye where she still lives with her family. She has entered many local and national music competitions, always being placed in the first three. In 2004 and 2005 she won the Mod Skye and Lochalsh clàrsach duet and in 2005 gained second place in the solo clàrsach advanced.
How the Award Helped
The Dewar Arts Award will enable Stephanie to buy a new clàrsach.
Since the Award
Since buying a new clàrsach, Stephanie has not looked back musically speaking. She has won umpteen prestigious prizes in performance and arrangement and achieved an ‘A’ in SQA High Music a year ahead of her peers.

I am grateful to the Dewar Arts Awards for granting me this wonderful opportunity to progress in my clarsach playing.